I'm lucky, I know, but I wanna go home..
Oh well seriously I'm at office now but I spend my time blogging.
Wait, what? Office, what office?
Yeah, sooooooo many things happened in my life since the last time I posted. I remembered I promised to post about Leadership Development and Debate Competition Beswan Djarum but I just had no time to post them. Maybe later on, after I finish the draft :p
And now I'm at office, the Thai Airways in Sanur. I'm having my internship here for 3 months from July-September. I know I'm supposed to be suppa-exciting about this one because I finally can have internship in an international airline company as I targeted. But currently I'm not that excited.
I bet you guys know exactly that right now all Moslems around the world are having Ramadan and fasting. Me, as a Moslem, having Ramadan as well. What made me sad is the fact that I outta have Ramadan all by myself in Bali while my family is all in Bogor and Jakarta.
Gosh, this is my first time having Ramadan myself! Preparing shaum, breakfasting, things things and things, all by myself. Gosh, I miss Ramadan atmosphere where I usually at home with my mom. Enjoying mom's cooks, joking with my lil bro when shaum and he's still asleep, reciting Quran together, preparing breakfasting together with mom or cousins, that's what I used to be.
But look at me now. At office, daydreaming.
Ya Allah, I'm lucky, I know, I'm not cursing myself for taking college far from home, family, and people I love. I'm lucky, I know, to be able to reach all my targets so far, and I'm so thankful for that, for everything. I know I'm lucky but it's just that I wanna be home. Make this struggle paid off at the end, ya Allah.
A new knowledge to learn, a new experience to find, a new person to meet or a new challenge to confront
Monday, July 07, 2014
Monday, March 03, 2014
Character Building Beswan Djarum 29
Yes, too damn late because this Character Building was held on December 2013 in Cikole Camp Area, Bandung, West Java. Unlike the previous event, this event was divided into 5 batches or waves, where each batch had around 65 Beswans from all over Indonesia. Beswan Bali, including me, was in Batch 2. But! Not all Beswan Bali could join Character Building. One of my friend; Nian, couldn't join us because she was on a severe ill (poor her). This event is to build our character through around 15 outbound games; rappelling, paint ball, emergency water, fill the pipe, construction game, Elvis walk, flying fox, and many others. They were divided into 2 types of game; personal game and team game.We were trained by Detasemen 235, a group of macho men from Indonesian army :D
So we departed from Bali and went to Jakarta by plane then continued to Bandung by bus, together with other Beswans who transited to Jakarta first. We arrived at Jakarta around noon, then waited for a moment then we went to Bandung.
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Yow Jakarta yow~ |
And then, the MC delivered us angklung then we could try to play angklung together. The most amazing one is we could own that angklung. At the end of the performance, we were asked to join dancing and singing on the stage with children from Saung Angklung Udjo. That was so much fun!
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New toy :p |
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Beswan Bali at Angklung Udjo |
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Dancing and singing together! |
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Our camp! \m/ |
Day 1 passed amazingly, then we came to the second day. It was much more fun because we had war simulation tests. So it was told that once we heard a gun shot or a cannon, we had to run immediately at least 5 meters from the shot source and hide behind a tree which is big enough to cover our body. Then when we had lunch we heard a gun shot! Oh man, we ran at a sudden hahaha lol that's so funny, you guys should be there to feel the atmosphere and see us running like a chicken :D Then what made me more excited about the second day was because it was my group's turn to play paint ball yaiy!
On the evening, we had a little time to relax at our camp, take a bath or change our dirty clothes. It was also something that made me more excited because we would have Caraka Malam! Ahahaha on this Caraka Malam, we were ordered to walk through a huge forest passing 3 posts. On the starting point, we were given a message where this message might be delivered to the right person. Oh man, it was in the middle of the night and I walked in a veeerrrryyyyyy huge dark forest, no lights, no other friend around me, it was so creepy :( But I could make it through! Yayayayay!!!
The next day, we still had some other outbound games but around afternoon the last game was cancelled because of a heavy rain and lightning everywhere. It was ssssoooooooo cold, I was freezing. So my friends and I sang together to avoid cold and dance together, singing songs from Nation Building :p
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Batch 2 squad!!! |
There were also campfire session where we had wrote our bad habits on a piece of paper before, then we burned that paper on the campfire. We also sang Hymne Beswan Djarum :)
The next day, we flew back to our origin places.
Seriouslyyyy that was so much fun and educating! I learned much from Character Building. It was such a blessing to have a chance to join an event like that :)
There will be another next event from Djarum Foundation; Leadership Development and Debate Competition on March, 5-8th 2014. Just sit tight and wait for the amazing story about that ;)
Friday, January 17, 2014
Nation Building Beswan Djarum 29
Ya this post is kinda too late. Too damn late! But whatever, I really need to post this because it's such a once-in-a-lifetime-experience!
Well, like I said on my last post, I'm a part of Beswan Djarum 29 and am going to have some events held by Djarum Foundation. And the first is Nation Building! Fyi, the name of the foundation is Djarum Foundation, name of the scholarship program is Djarum Beasiswa Plus and the scholars who get this scholarship program called Beswan Djarum :D
This event was held at Semarang, at PRPP Hall to be exact, on November, 7-12th 2013. Nation Building is like a gathering with other Beswan from all over Indonesia. There, we will enlarge our knowledge about Indonesia by making a performance, a great performance, kinda theatrical, taught by professional team.
I went there with other Beswan Bali, 10 of us. Actually, there are 12 Beswan Bali but another 1 couldn't join us because of college stuffs (poor him) and another 1 was already on her way because she was the main talent for our perfomance. We went there by plane to Surabaya. Why Surabaya? Because Bali is in the regional of Surabaya. Fyi, regions of Beswan Djarum were divided into 4; Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya. Surabaya region is the biggest region of all because it consists of some part of Borneo and to the east of Indonesia, they're all Surabaya's.
It was a very short but thrilling flight! Short because it only took 45 minutes, but thrilling because there were sooo many turbulence! Oh God I felt like riding a roller coaster. The turbulence was.....depressing...
And finally we arrived at Juanda International Airport, Surabaya! Then we direct to Djarum Surabaya Regional Office and met other Beswan from other districts. I met friends from Malang, Jember, Papua, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Surabaya itself, and many many mooreee!!!
Ah ya! We decided to wear colorful Barong shirt because we wanted to show other Beswan that we're from Bali! B)
At the office, we got technical info about Nation Building. We were divided into 2 hotels to stay; Grand Candi Hotel and Ciputra Hotel. Then, we were also divided into several buses for going to Semarang. Ya, we'll depart to Semarang by bus! How funnn!!!
After a long road trip, we finally arrived at hotel that we stay. I got Grand Candi Hotel. All 9 Beswan Bali were in Grand Candi Hotel and the other 2 were in Ciputra Hotel. Around 2am, I arrived at my room and I saw my roommate for the next 7 days were already there, sleeping zzz...
The next day, I started making new friends with my roommate. They are Citra from Semarang and Ute from Bogor. I was so happy to know them. They are so kind, but crazy and silly also. I feel comfort with them.
Then, our days was filled with practicing and practicing. What? Practicing? Ya! We had to practice for our grand show on the last night. We would deliver a theatrical show about Borneo! And all Beswan Djarum were divided into 2 groups; choir and theater. I was in choir group for soprano. Psst... Dionisius Agung was the main talent for our show :p
But, our activity wasn't only practicing. We also had talkshow with Rosiana Silalahi at 186 Conference Building. The talkshow was on November, 10th so it talked about National Hero!
Talkshow was ended by the performance from Andra and the Backbone. But I didn't take a photo of them. Not really a fan :p
Besides talkshow, we also had a cultural visit to Kudus. There, we visited Djarum Factory and learned about making traditional cigga using very traditional tools.
Actually, I recorded a video of myself making a cigga but unfortunately, there is something error with that so the sound won't come out, like muted, and I don't know why. So I think it's better that I don't post it -__-
Then, I also had a chance to made a Batik. Yes, Batik! Batik is a traditional textile from Indonesia. It's so unique. Batik has several different motives and each motives tell where that Batik come from because Batik is widely spread in all over Indonesia. The Batik that I made is from Borneo and it has jar motive.
Ya, there it goes! The first pic of the Batik is Kompor, Malam and Canang. They are the tools used for making Batik. Canting is the one that I held in that picture. That canting is used to drip Malam little by little, used just like writing with a pen. And Malam is that orange-browny liquid. It is used like an ink to write or draw following the motive of the Batik. Kompor is the small silver crock, used to keep the Malam warm so that it won't be dry.
How is it making Batik? Well, it's simple, literally. It's just like writing on a textile. Canting is the pen and Malam is the ink. Use Canting like you usually use a pen. Looks simple, huh? But seriously, it's a big NO. It's not simple at all. It ain't that simple. Can you imagine that Malam is sooo liquid so once you drop a drip of Malam, it will like scatter around your textile and destroy your motive. Besides, Malam is also soo hot. Can you imagine that when you drip Malam to the textile, it will penetrate to the other side of the textile which where your hand is? It is so hot :( And at that moment, I started realizing how great all Batik artists are! They can make such great Batik, sooo much! Oh man I love Indonesia!
Oh ya, it's not the Batik when it's done. There was still another step; drying the Batik. Sadly, I didn't do that part. The committee would finish it and give the Batik to me on the next event of Djarum Beasiswa Plus.
Okay, after those amazing trips and activity, there I came to the D-day! The name of our performance is Malam Dharma Puruhita. It was sooo amazing and cool.
The first pic is Beswan performing Rancak Beswan. Rancak Beswan is a dance for us, Beswan, and we do it altogether like doing flashmob. So much fun! And the second pic is the end of the show. Ello is on da stage baby!
After all that show, I felt sad. Why? Because it mean that Nation Building is over! I just can't :( I took pic with my friends, exchanged contacts each other, and promised will meet again!
But, it's not the last. There was still another surprise for us. When we exited the hall to go back to bus, we saw a stage on the parking lot. Oh man, that was the surprise! We had another closing party, with special performance of Ello! Aaaahhhhh, seriously, it was sooo undescribable knowing we still could have some times together, going crazy and anything! I didn't take too much photos on that moment because I prefer enjoying the q-time with Beswan than taking photos :p
After that, Nation Building really really had to be over. We went back to hotel, packed our stuffs, and the next morning, we flew back to our places. So sad :(
Ah ya, Nation Building was in many press media. These are some of 'em. So happy. Pardon my pride :p
So after this, there are still some other events of Djarum Beasiswa Plus. The next one is Character Building. The post is coming ;)
Well, like I said on my last post, I'm a part of Beswan Djarum 29 and am going to have some events held by Djarum Foundation. And the first is Nation Building! Fyi, the name of the foundation is Djarum Foundation, name of the scholarship program is Djarum Beasiswa Plus and the scholars who get this scholarship program called Beswan Djarum :D
This event was held at Semarang, at PRPP Hall to be exact, on November, 7-12th 2013. Nation Building is like a gathering with other Beswan from all over Indonesia. There, we will enlarge our knowledge about Indonesia by making a performance, a great performance, kinda theatrical, taught by professional team.
I went there with other Beswan Bali, 10 of us. Actually, there are 12 Beswan Bali but another 1 couldn't join us because of college stuffs (poor him) and another 1 was already on her way because she was the main talent for our perfomance. We went there by plane to Surabaya. Why Surabaya? Because Bali is in the regional of Surabaya. Fyi, regions of Beswan Djarum were divided into 4; Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya. Surabaya region is the biggest region of all because it consists of some part of Borneo and to the east of Indonesia, they're all Surabaya's.
It was a very short but thrilling flight! Short because it only took 45 minutes, but thrilling because there were sooo many turbulence! Oh God I felt like riding a roller coaster. The turbulence was.....depressing...
And finally we arrived at Juanda International Airport, Surabaya! Then we direct to Djarum Surabaya Regional Office and met other Beswan from other districts. I met friends from Malang, Jember, Papua, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Surabaya itself, and many many mooreee!!!
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Once we arrived at Djarum Surabaya Regional Office |
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Beswan Djarum 29 Surabaya Region! New big family :) |
After a long road trip, we finally arrived at hotel that we stay. I got Grand Candi Hotel. All 9 Beswan Bali were in Grand Candi Hotel and the other 2 were in Ciputra Hotel. Around 2am, I arrived at my room and I saw my roommate for the next 7 days were already there, sleeping zzz...
The next day, I started making new friends with my roommate. They are Citra from Semarang and Ute from Bogor. I was so happy to know them. They are so kind, but crazy and silly also. I feel comfort with them.
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Ute - Citra - Me |
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Pardon my face :p |
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Break during practice |
But, our activity wasn't only practicing. We also had talkshow with Rosiana Silalahi at 186 Conference Building. The talkshow was on November, 10th so it talked about National Hero!
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Beswan Bali and Beswan Makassar! |
Talkshow was ended by the performance from Andra and the Backbone. But I didn't take a photo of them. Not really a fan :p
Besides talkshow, we also had a cultural visit to Kudus. There, we visited Djarum Factory and learned about making traditional cigga using very traditional tools.
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Me :p |
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The ciggas! :O |
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Da workersss! |
Then, I also had a chance to made a Batik. Yes, Batik! Batik is a traditional textile from Indonesia. It's so unique. Batik has several different motives and each motives tell where that Batik come from because Batik is widely spread in all over Indonesia. The Batik that I made is from Borneo and it has jar motive.
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Tools used for making Batik: Kompor, Malam and Canting |
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Mine :( |
How is it making Batik? Well, it's simple, literally. It's just like writing on a textile. Canting is the pen and Malam is the ink. Use Canting like you usually use a pen. Looks simple, huh? But seriously, it's a big NO. It's not simple at all. It ain't that simple. Can you imagine that Malam is sooo liquid so once you drop a drip of Malam, it will like scatter around your textile and destroy your motive. Besides, Malam is also soo hot. Can you imagine that when you drip Malam to the textile, it will penetrate to the other side of the textile which where your hand is? It is so hot :( And at that moment, I started realizing how great all Batik artists are! They can make such great Batik, sooo much! Oh man I love Indonesia!
Oh ya, it's not the Batik when it's done. There was still another step; drying the Batik. Sadly, I didn't do that part. The committee would finish it and give the Batik to me on the next event of Djarum Beasiswa Plus.
Okay, after those amazing trips and activity, there I came to the D-day! The name of our performance is Malam Dharma Puruhita. It was sooo amazing and cool.
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Performing Rancak Beswan |
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End of the show! |
After all that show, I felt sad. Why? Because it mean that Nation Building is over! I just can't :( I took pic with my friends, exchanged contacts each other, and promised will meet again!
But, it's not the last. There was still another surprise for us. When we exited the hall to go back to bus, we saw a stage on the parking lot. Oh man, that was the surprise! We had another closing party, with special performance of Ello! Aaaahhhhh, seriously, it was sooo undescribable knowing we still could have some times together, going crazy and anything! I didn't take too much photos on that moment because I prefer enjoying the q-time with Beswan than taking photos :p
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Crazy moment with crazy people |
Ah ya, Nation Building was in many press media. These are some of 'em. So happy. Pardon my pride :p
So after this, there are still some other events of Djarum Beasiswa Plus. The next one is Character Building. The post is coming ;)
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