S years ago, Annie is R years old. How old is Annie T years later?
Just like the title, I wanna ask you: confuse reading this problem?
So do I...
A new knowledge to learn, a new experience to find, a new person to meet or a new challenge to confront
Friday, November 18, 2011
What is the temperature?
Weather forecast: "Temperature tomorrow will be twice hotter than today"
If today's temperature is 4 Celsius, temperature tomorrow is 8 Celsius, because, 4 x 2 = 8.
If today's temperature is 2 Celsius, temperature tomorrow is 4 Celsius, because, 2 x 2 = 4.
If today's temperature is 0 Celsius, what is the temperature tomorrow?
If today's temperature is 4 Celsius, temperature tomorrow is 8 Celsius, because, 4 x 2 = 8.
If today's temperature is 2 Celsius, temperature tomorrow is 4 Celsius, because, 2 x 2 = 4.
If today's temperature is 0 Celsius, what is the temperature tomorrow?
Friday, November 11, 2011
A Special Acoustic Evening with Jason Mraz and Toca Rivera!
Look at that! I saw the Jason Mraz's concert! Cool, huh?
Well, actually I'm not one of his big fans. I like his songs, his style, his gesture when playing guitar but honestly, not that crazy about Mraz. But, I saw his show because my cousin, Widya, invited to come. Widya is Jason's big fans. Then, thinking that Jason is a superstar, and he came to Bali-a place where I live now-, and there's someone invited me, I must be crazy if I refused that invitation!
Then, Widya and I arranged where and when to meet up. Finally, we decided to meet on Monday, 7th Nov at NAV karaoke center. There we met then direct to my dorm. Widya stayed a night there. The next day, after my class finished, we hung out together.
And finally, the day came! Nov, 9th at 4pm we were ready to rock Taman Bhagawan, Nusa Dua, the place where the concert held. When we arrived, it was raining and we couldn't take a walk. But it's okay because it made us stand close to the gate so that we could hit the first row. Can you imagine? First row!
And, the concert started. Jason showed up!
After that, I just can't say anything. Everything seemed so perfect! Ah ya, as I remember, he sang 25 songs:
1. The World As I See It
2. No Doubling Back
3. If It Kills Me
4. Make It Mine
5. Fly Me to the Moon
6. Lucky
7. You and I Both
8. Curbside Prophet (intro--for introducing themselves)
9. The Remedy (mashed up with Wonderwall)
10. Love For a Child
11. Mr Curiosity
12. Plane
13. Only Human
14. Bottom of the Sea
15. Living in the Moment (he said that this is the new song!)
16. The Longest Day of the Year
17. Butterfly
18. 0% Interest
19. Sunshine Song
20. The Woman I Love
21. I Won't Give Up
22. 93 Million Miles
23. I'm Yours
24. Gypsy Mc
25. Life is Wonderful
Well, here are some photos of his action that melted me, so much!!! Enjoy!
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Jason in action |
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Toca in action |
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Jason and Toca when they're about to end the show |
Jason Mraz,
my life,
Toca Rivera
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Random Fun Facts (Part 2)
I got more random fun facts! Enjoy!
- In the marriage ceremony of ancient Inca tribe in Peru, the couple is considered official if they have exchanged their sandals
- King of Moroccan (1672–1727), Moulay Ismaïl, had the biggest number of children throughout the history of human civilization; 342 daughters and 525 sons
- The world's longest place name is Taumatawhakatangihangaoauauotameteaturipukakapikim aungahoronukupokaiw-henuakitanatahu which is a hill in New Zealand
- 111111111 x 111111111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
- Elephant's tooth may have the same weigh as a bowling ball
- All parts of the country of China have the same timezone even though it's huge enough
- An '@' sign derived from a combination of letter e and a, stand for 'each at'
- There will not be a full moon on Halloween until 2020
- Earth becomes 0.2 Celsius hotter in full moon
- The biggest earthquake ever happened in Chile on May, 22nd 1960 (9,5 SR)
- Firstly, Google was named as BackRub
- Scores in the world's largest international matches is 31-0, the match between the Australian national team squad against American Samoa.
- Longest kiss world record held by James Belshaw and Sophia Severin who kissed for 31 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds.
- We have same birthday with 9 million other people in the world
- Goldfish who is placed in a dark place will turn into white. And if it were not for the influence of food, they will turn completely white.
- Ants never sleep
- Honey is the only food that will never stale
- Honeybees visit about 2 million flowers to make 1 pound of honey
- A snail can sleep 3-4 years during the period he doesn't need food
Random Fun Facts
I read some random fun facts here and I copied some of them. Enjoy!
- 44% of kids watch television before they go to sleep
- One out of 20 people have an extra rib
- Istanbul, Turkey is the only city in the world located on two continents
- Every three days a human stomach gets a new lining
- The second best selling game of all time is Jenga. Jenga is a Swahili word, meaning “to build.”
- Cinderella is known as Rashin Coatie in Scotland, Zezolla in Italy, and Yeh-hsien in China
- In 1894 the first big Coke sign was found on the side of a building located in Cartersville, Georgia, and still exists today
- The longest distance a deepwater lobster has been recorded to travel is 225 miles
- Orcas (killer whales), when traveling in groups, breathe in unison
- The Great Pyramids used to be as white as snow because they were encased in a bright limestone that has worn off over the years
- The fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth is called Arachibutyrophobia
- Colour is not an indicator for the taste or ripeness in cranberries
- A chicken with red earlobes will produce brown eggs, and a chicken with white earlobes will produce white eggs
- Not all polar bears hibernate; only pregnant females polar bears do
- There is a restaurant in Stockholm that only offers all-garlic products. They even have a garlic cheesecake (can you just imagine how it tastes? I think it's.... Yuck!)
- Serving ice cream on cherry pie was once illegal in Kansas
- 2.5 cans of Spam are consumed every second in the United States
- The Koala bear is not really a bear, but is really related to the kangaroo and the wombat.
- Instead of a Birthday Cake, many Russian children are given a Birthday Pie
- Percentage of American men who say they would marry the same woman if they had it to do all over again: 80%
- Paul Hunn holds the record for the loudest burp, which was 118.1 decibels, which is as loud as a chainsaw
- A monkey was once tried and convicted for smoking a cigarette in South Bend, Indiana
- There are six million parts in the Boeing 747-400
- In the U.S., over one million gallons of cosmetics, drinks, and lotions are sold that contain aloe in them per year
- Japanese research has concluded that moderate drinking can boost IQ levels
- For more than 3,000 years, Carpenter ants have been used to close wounds in India, Asia and South America
- Baskin Robbins plain vanilla ice cream is the number one selling flavour and accounts for a quarter of their sales
- The typical lead pencil can draw a line that is thirty five miles long
- The word “toy” comes from an old English word that means “tool”
- Smokers are twice as likely to develop lower back pain than non-smokers
- Humans are born with 300 bones in their body, however when a person reaches adulthood they only have 206 bones. This occurs because many of them join together to make a single bone
- The reason why hair turns gray as we age is because the pigment cells in the hair follicle start to die, which is responsible for producing “melanin” which gives the hair colour
- Most lipstick contains fish scales
- The sentence “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the english language
- The expression cooked “al dente” means “to the tooth.” What this means is that the pasta should be somewhat firm, and offer some resistance to the tooth, but should also be tender
- Of married couples, 70% of men and 60% of women have cheated on their spouse
- No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times
- Asthma affects one in fifteen children under the age of eighteen
- A one ounce milk chocolate bar has 6 mg of caffeine
- Throughout the South, peanuts were known as “Monkey Nuts,” and “Goober peas,” before the civil war
- Scallops have approximately 100 eyes around the edge of its shell
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Food Photography Tips
Taken a photo of a delicious meal only to have it turn out looking ugly
and not edible. Hopefully these 10 food photography tips will help you
take a more tasty-looking food photo next time. To find out more, click here
Tips #1: Keep the Background Clean
Make sure there is a color contrast between the background and the food, don’t have the two be the same color or a similar shade. For example, strawberries served on a red plate isn’t going to stand out. Keep the background simple and uncluttered. If unsure, stick to a plain white background.
Tips #2: Adjust the White Balance
Adjust the white balance on your camera according to what you’re shooting. Meat should always be shot in warm tones as a blue-ish tinge under some fluorescent lights would make it look ghastly.
Tips #3: Use Natural Lighting
Whenever you can, try to shoot using natural lighting. Shoot during the day near a window where you would get plenty of natural sunlight. When you must shoot at night, try avoid using flash directly on the food as it’s too harsh. Instead, use a flash diffuser or have the flash bounce off a ceiling or wall.
Tips #4: Use A Tripod
Most food photography will be done indoors, where there might not be enough lighting. Use a tripod whenever you can as it beats trying to hold very still for long a amount of time.
Tips #5: Small Details Make A Big Difference
Don’t disregard the small stuff. Keep in mind that using nice cutlery and a clean serving plate/bowl could make all the difference transforming a nice photo to a fantastic one.
Tips #6: Get Up Close
Instead of only taking photos of a full plate of food, take some macro shots too. Getting up close to your subject will bring out the textures and finer details, making it more interesting and intriguing.
Tips #7: Cut It, Slice It, Dice It!
As with anything, you shouldn’t just take something for its face value. With food, sometimes it’s what’s inside that can create a great shot.
Tips #8: Take Photos from All Angles
Don’t just take a photo from a bird’s eye view, try different angles. Left, right, top, bottom. Feel free to even move the food around and come up with different compositions.
Tips #9: Use Properties
Don’t be afraid to jazz up the set. Maybe a glass of orange juice to go with those pancakes? A bottle of wine in the background with your steak and mash meal? Or maybe some hundreds and thousands sprinkled around your cupcakes? Do remember to keep it simple as too many props can be distracting.
Tips #10: Cheat if You Have To
As long as you’re not planning to eat the food afterwards, there are ways to enhance your food by using some industry tricks. For example, make your food glisten by brushing on some vegetable oil. Create that ‘fresh out of the oven’ steam by placing some microwaved cotton balls that have been soaked in water. Or make perfect-looking ice cream that won’t ever melt with some mashed potatoes.
Now you have seen it. Hungry? Me too :9
Tips #1: Keep the Background Clean
Make sure there is a color contrast between the background and the food, don’t have the two be the same color or a similar shade. For example, strawberries served on a red plate isn’t going to stand out. Keep the background simple and uncluttered. If unsure, stick to a plain white background.
Tips #2: Adjust the White Balance
Adjust the white balance on your camera according to what you’re shooting. Meat should always be shot in warm tones as a blue-ish tinge under some fluorescent lights would make it look ghastly.
Tips #3: Use Natural Lighting
Whenever you can, try to shoot using natural lighting. Shoot during the day near a window where you would get plenty of natural sunlight. When you must shoot at night, try avoid using flash directly on the food as it’s too harsh. Instead, use a flash diffuser or have the flash bounce off a ceiling or wall.
Tips #4: Use A Tripod
Most food photography will be done indoors, where there might not be enough lighting. Use a tripod whenever you can as it beats trying to hold very still for long a amount of time.
Tips #5: Small Details Make A Big Difference
Don’t disregard the small stuff. Keep in mind that using nice cutlery and a clean serving plate/bowl could make all the difference transforming a nice photo to a fantastic one.
Tips #6: Get Up Close
Instead of only taking photos of a full plate of food, take some macro shots too. Getting up close to your subject will bring out the textures and finer details, making it more interesting and intriguing.
Tips #7: Cut It, Slice It, Dice It!
As with anything, you shouldn’t just take something for its face value. With food, sometimes it’s what’s inside that can create a great shot.
Tips #8: Take Photos from All Angles
Don’t just take a photo from a bird’s eye view, try different angles. Left, right, top, bottom. Feel free to even move the food around and come up with different compositions.
Tips #9: Use Properties
Don’t be afraid to jazz up the set. Maybe a glass of orange juice to go with those pancakes? A bottle of wine in the background with your steak and mash meal? Or maybe some hundreds and thousands sprinkled around your cupcakes? Do remember to keep it simple as too many props can be distracting.
Tips #10: Cheat if You Have To
As long as you’re not planning to eat the food afterwards, there are ways to enhance your food by using some industry tricks. For example, make your food glisten by brushing on some vegetable oil. Create that ‘fresh out of the oven’ steam by placing some microwaved cotton balls that have been soaked in water. Or make perfect-looking ice cream that won’t ever melt with some mashed potatoes.
Now you have seen it. Hungry? Me too :9
Friday, October 28, 2011
Ricky Rubio: A Freak of Nature
Can you guess why the title is "a freak of nature"? Well, that words came from Pepe Sánchez. He said "Rubio is being so young and being so skilled and also so cool all the time. You can see that he knows what he's doing. He's not playing out there with pros based only on his talents. He knows the game and he can only improve. I think he'll be a great player. It all depends on him, but I personally think he's going to be great"
Ricard "Ricky" Rubio Vives or usually known as Ricky Rubio was born on October 21, 1990 in El Masnou, Barcelona, Spain. He is a Spanish professional basketball player for the Minnesota Timberwolves of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He is so tall, 1.92 m.
One thing that I know, I outta use stilts whenever I stand beside him. But... When I can meet him? Never. Just ignore it...
Fyi, he got number 1 in my handsome guy list ._. Here are some of his photos. Enjoy!
Now you have seen his photos. I hope you, especially girls, are not blind~ LOL
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Basic Photography Tips
Well, what I know is I love photography and what I really know is I'm not good in photography -_- but, I have some basic photography techniques that can help you in making nice pictures with the source from here. Making beautiful photography needs nothing than a bit of thought. All you really need is to take a moment before each shot to think clearly about what you are attempting to capture or create. The followings are the 10 basic photography tips. Enjoy!
Photography tips #1: Move in Closer
Each time you spot a subject, snap a shot and then move in closer for a better shot. Having your subject almost fill the frame helps your viewer understand and appreciate your photo. Also, details are often more interesting than an overall view. Keep moving in closer until you are sure the photo will successfully represent your subject.
Photography Tips #2: Be Quick
If it is at all possible that your subject may move, bolt, fly away, stop smiling, or just get tired of waiting for you to take the picture, shoot once right away. Practice getting quicker and quicker to the draw. Do not worry about taking too many pictures and do not wait until you're absolutely certain all the knobs and buttons are in their correct position. As the motto, "Shoot First, Ask Questions Later."
Photography Tips #3: Compose Your Picture with Care
Even if you don't plan on selling your photo to the Smithsonian, make every effort to keep it balanced and beautiful. On one level or another, everyone responds better to a picture that has all elements in balance. Strive to lead the eye along an interesting path through the photo, with the use of strong lines or patterns.
Photography Tips #4: Be Selective
Discern what you are really interested in and center your efforts on getting the best photo of this subject, whether it a still life, your funny cat, your doggy, a friend, a family matter, a mood, a place or culture. The easiest way to do this is to watch your borders - the edges of the view you see through the camera's viewfinder. Then recompose if anything - such as an unattractive telephone wire, an old soda can, a distracting sign, your finger, or your camera strap - hangs into your picture.
Photography Tips #5: Focus on Your Subject
Practice shooting with different apertures and monitor the results afterwards to learn how depth-of-field affects your photo. This is great for taking a picture of your child, your dog, or your husband - subjects stand out against a blurry background.
Photography Tips #6: Experiment with Shutter Speed
One of the most basic, overlooked, and fun aspects of photography is that you have the power to slow time down or catch a split second. One image happens so slowly that we could never see it and the other happens so quickly in real time that we would never notice it. Play with shutter speed!
Photography Tips #7: Look at the Light
By this, I don't mean look into the sun - no, that won't do at all. But it is good to see what kind of light you are working with. Which way are the shadows falling? Unless you want a silhouette effect, where your subject is black against an interesting background, it's generally best to shoot with the sun behind you. How is the light affecting your subject? Is the subject squinting? Is the light blazing directly and brightly upon your whole subject? This works well if you are in love with the bold colors of your subject. Side lighting, on the other hand, can add drama but can also cause extreme, hard-to-print contrasts. Lastly, indirect light can be used to make your subject glow soft and pretty.
Photography Tips #8: Watch the Weather, Too
Look outside and decide whether or not you are going to want to have the sky in your picture. If it's overcast, simply keep the sky out of your pictures as much as possible. This is usually the best way to avoid both muted tones in your subject and washed-out skies in your background. You might also find black and white pictures of an overcast day more pleasing than color. When the day is beautiful, go ahead and make the most of it.
Photography Tips #9: Keep Your Camera Settings Simple
While you may wish to have "all the bells and whistles" available just in case, you will probably get the best results if you do not try to use them all the time and instead learn a simple set up that works best for you in most situations. If you want one accessory, bring a tripod. This one item can solve camera shake issues and help you get beautiful evening shots.
Photography Tips #10: Be Bold!
Don't allow yourself to be paralyzed by fears of using the wrong settings, or an non-politically-correct social policy. Be wise... but be bold.
There you have it, basic but helpful - I hope - photography tips. Now go out there, make some great shots, learn from the failures, and have fun!
Photography tips #1: Move in Closer
Each time you spot a subject, snap a shot and then move in closer for a better shot. Having your subject almost fill the frame helps your viewer understand and appreciate your photo. Also, details are often more interesting than an overall view. Keep moving in closer until you are sure the photo will successfully represent your subject.
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Photography Tips #2: Be Quick
If it is at all possible that your subject may move, bolt, fly away, stop smiling, or just get tired of waiting for you to take the picture, shoot once right away. Practice getting quicker and quicker to the draw. Do not worry about taking too many pictures and do not wait until you're absolutely certain all the knobs and buttons are in their correct position. As the motto, "Shoot First, Ask Questions Later."
Photography Tips #3: Compose Your Picture with Care
Even if you don't plan on selling your photo to the Smithsonian, make every effort to keep it balanced and beautiful. On one level or another, everyone responds better to a picture that has all elements in balance. Strive to lead the eye along an interesting path through the photo, with the use of strong lines or patterns.
Photography Tips #4: Be Selective
Discern what you are really interested in and center your efforts on getting the best photo of this subject, whether it a still life, your funny cat, your doggy, a friend, a family matter, a mood, a place or culture. The easiest way to do this is to watch your borders - the edges of the view you see through the camera's viewfinder. Then recompose if anything - such as an unattractive telephone wire, an old soda can, a distracting sign, your finger, or your camera strap - hangs into your picture.
Photography Tips #5: Focus on Your Subject
Practice shooting with different apertures and monitor the results afterwards to learn how depth-of-field affects your photo. This is great for taking a picture of your child, your dog, or your husband - subjects stand out against a blurry background.
Photography Tips #6: Experiment with Shutter Speed
One of the most basic, overlooked, and fun aspects of photography is that you have the power to slow time down or catch a split second. One image happens so slowly that we could never see it and the other happens so quickly in real time that we would never notice it. Play with shutter speed!
Photography Tips #7: Look at the Light
By this, I don't mean look into the sun - no, that won't do at all. But it is good to see what kind of light you are working with. Which way are the shadows falling? Unless you want a silhouette effect, where your subject is black against an interesting background, it's generally best to shoot with the sun behind you. How is the light affecting your subject? Is the subject squinting? Is the light blazing directly and brightly upon your whole subject? This works well if you are in love with the bold colors of your subject. Side lighting, on the other hand, can add drama but can also cause extreme, hard-to-print contrasts. Lastly, indirect light can be used to make your subject glow soft and pretty.
Photography Tips #8: Watch the Weather, Too
Look outside and decide whether or not you are going to want to have the sky in your picture. If it's overcast, simply keep the sky out of your pictures as much as possible. This is usually the best way to avoid both muted tones in your subject and washed-out skies in your background. You might also find black and white pictures of an overcast day more pleasing than color. When the day is beautiful, go ahead and make the most of it.
Photography Tips #9: Keep Your Camera Settings Simple
While you may wish to have "all the bells and whistles" available just in case, you will probably get the best results if you do not try to use them all the time and instead learn a simple set up that works best for you in most situations. If you want one accessory, bring a tripod. This one item can solve camera shake issues and help you get beautiful evening shots.
Photography Tips #10: Be Bold!
Don't allow yourself to be paralyzed by fears of using the wrong settings, or an non-politically-correct social policy. Be wise... but be bold.
There you have it, basic but helpful - I hope - photography tips. Now go out there, make some great shots, learn from the failures, and have fun!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Long Time No See!
Heya! Long time no see, my blog :* lol
Well, I know that this blog is supposed to be my diary, starting when my college life begun, BUT unfortunately my college life is too busy so that I have not too much time to write here ;(
College. It's really likely my self-maturation media. Why? I have to arrange EVERYTHING by myself. Studying, arranging my room, finance, health, and everything 'till the littlest one. I didn't know that it can be so dying. Aaarrrr I was a 'lil bit desperate to take it all over but I have to. So, slowly but sure I started to be more mature. I tried to arrange everything, like arranging finance (how I arrange my monthly cash so that I won't run out of cash), my mealtime, my health, my study, making my room to be likely my world and make it based on my rule B) And as the time goes, I can learn how to handle it :) THANK GOD!
Well, that's for now. Just a short one, because I outta do my homework first pfff...
Well, I know that this blog is supposed to be my diary, starting when my college life begun, BUT unfortunately my college life is too busy so that I have not too much time to write here ;(
College. It's really likely my self-maturation media. Why? I have to arrange EVERYTHING by myself. Studying, arranging my room, finance, health, and everything 'till the littlest one. I didn't know that it can be so dying. Aaarrrr I was a 'lil bit desperate to take it all over but I have to. So, slowly but sure I started to be more mature. I tried to arrange everything, like arranging finance (how I arrange my monthly cash so that I won't run out of cash), my mealtime, my health, my study, making my room to be likely my world and make it based on my rule B) And as the time goes, I can learn how to handle it :) THANK GOD!
Well, that's for now. Just a short one, because I outta do my homework first pfff...
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Growing Up or Just Getting Older?

Happy birthday to me!!! Yep, it's my 17th birthday on August 15th. Finally, with all laughs, tears, smiles, happiness, sadness, hurts, sweat, ups, downs, sweets, miseries and everything from the most emotional until the really-ordinary things in my life, I reach my age of 17! Whoa, kinda excited because it means I'm mature enough and, I got my identity card :D Well, I don't know exactly why everybody says 17th birthday is sweet because I think every birthday is sweet. Yep, every birthday is sweet because it shows us how God is still loving us by giving us life until today, and actually it's more like an alarm for us that we're getting older and older. But we're not only getting older but also outta grow up. I've ever seen a line "growing up or just getting older?" in my English course textbook and I felt like ah-yeah-it's-true. Yes, everybody outta grow up and not just getting older! And so, I declare this in my very deep heart:
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Forced Perspective Photography
I just found out about forced perspective technique in photography and damn I adore it! Well, I'm not a photographer but I'm interested in photography. I don't even have the camera. Poor me. Just ignore it-_-
By the way, forced perspective photography is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, film making and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. Maybe that's why it called 'forced'. Here are some examples of forced perspective photography which are from taken from here
By the way, forced perspective photography is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, film making and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. Maybe that's why it called 'forced'. Here are some examples of forced perspective photography which are from taken from here
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