Sunday, May 06, 2012

Happy Birthday et cetera...!!!

It's been a year! Unfortunately, I can pass a year with this blog hihi~

Actually, I didn't realize that today is my blog's first birthday. I just idly checked all my blog posts and found that my first blog was posted on May, 6th 2011. In a sudden, I remembered that I posted my first blog right after I made this blog. So, it's the day!

Firstly, this blog was named Girlicious and was meant to have girly things to be posted but I'm pretty sure I'm not that type of girl -_- so, I renamed it into et cetera... and was meant to have random things to be posted like random knowledge, profiles of famous people, logic tests, my experiences, and, et cetera... :)

Well, don't know else what to share. Once more, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST BLOG! Sorry if I often ignore you.

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