Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rainbow Tree for Real!

I think, people nowadays have a new hobby; rainbow-ing something that isn't rainbow. Rainbow cake, rainbow cupcake, rainbow roll cake, what else can be rainbow-ed in this wonderful world? Anything! But, those rainbow things are all human made. But, this one thing is rainbow by itself. And this thing is a tree!

Eucalyptus trees are usually known with its characteristics aroma. But when you visit Mindaho Island, Philippine, you can find the trunk of those Eucalyptus are rainbow. Pretty!

The bark from near
 Beautiful colors that cover the whole trunk which has Latin name Eucalyptus deglupta are red, orange, purple, blue, and brown. Because the colors are like rainbow this pretty plant is also called Rainbow Eucalyptus, as written on the web of Eucalyptus deglupta.

At first glance, you might think it's just human painting for fun. But it's a NO! These colors are natural! They come out from its sap which drop into the bark annually. When the first drops began to dry up, others began to drip sap and bark of the tree on the other side. On the first drop, it shows blue color, then slowly turns to orange, purple, and red. Time difference of the sap to drop makes it colorful.

These beautiful trees can be seen not only in Philippine but also in England and Papua New Guinea. Wanna see it closely? Okay, let's together go to England or Philippine or Papua New Guinea, through your globe...

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