Friday, March 22, 2013

et cetera..., I Miss You!

et cetera..., I miss you!

Ya, that's the most suitable title for this post I think. I know I've been such a scumbag for ignoring this blog just because of boredom and coming back here again like there's nothing ever happened. But, ya, for that, I am really sorry! I do apologize! And, what making me back here is because there's something distracting my life these days, and really don't know where else to share..

Well, you guys surely have ever been (or maybe will be) in a phase when you're tired with everything. Tired with your daily routine, with your life, with all works, with people around you, with small things that you have to care, with every little-useless-unimportant thought that's always running through your mind, even you're queasy to have a holiday for relaxing you mind, body and soul, and everything starts to look annoying. And I'm on that phase.


Seriously, I don't even know what's going on with me. All I know is I'm queasy with everything around me. Maybe this what people call tired-to-the-climax. I don't want to be around people right now. I need to be alone. Completely alone.

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