Monday, March 03, 2014

Character Building Beswan Djarum 29

Sooo guys! The next event of Beswan Djarum is Character Building. Just like my previous post, this post is also too late, too damn late!

Yes, too damn late because this Character Building was held on December 2013 in Cikole Camp Area, Bandung, West Java. Unlike the previous event, this event was divided into 5 batches or waves, where each batch had around 65 Beswans from all over Indonesia. Beswan Bali, including me, was in Batch 2. But! Not all Beswan Bali could join Character Building. One of my friend; Nian, couldn't join us because she was on a severe ill (poor her). This event is to build our character through around 15 outbound games; rappelling, paint ball, emergency water, fill the pipe, construction game, Elvis walk, flying fox, and many others. They were divided into 2 types of game; personal game and team game.We were trained by Detasemen 235, a group of macho men from Indonesian army :D

So we departed from Bali and went to Jakarta by plane then continued to Bandung by bus, together with other Beswans who transited  to Jakarta first. We arrived at Jakarta around noon, then waited for a moment then we went to Bandung.

Yow Jakarta yow~
First stop was Saung Angklung Udjo! Wow, I once visited this very amazing place, and still, I got amazed with this place! So in this place, we had a little presentation about angklung. Fyi, angklung is one of Indonesian traditional music instrument from West Java and Saung Angklung Udjo is the center for making and learning playing angklung. Then after having presentation, we were enjoyed performance from children from Saung Angklung Udjo. Ah ya, we also gathered with other Beswans from other regions at this place.

And then, the MC delivered us angklung then we could try to play angklung together. The most amazing one is we could own that angklung. At the end of the performance, we were asked to join dancing and singing on the stage with children from Saung Angklung Udjo. That was so much fun!

New toy :p

Beswan Bali at Angklung Udjo

Dancing and singing together!
After having fun at Saung Angklung Udjo, we directed to our camp.We arrived there at almost midnight. Once I arrived and exited the bus, I felt sooo cold and freezing! I talked much with my friends and moved my body fast to avoid cold. After taking our properties like shirts, training pants, hat, sleeping bag and etc, we had a small briefing in front of girl's camp to discuss about what shirt to wear for the next day, what time we had to wake up and stand by, and something like that. We were also told that there would be red ribbons as an award on each games. Ribbons were given depending on how we finished the game. Team with most red ribbons could win Red Ribbon Award on the end of this event. Ah ya, we were also warned that we weren't allowed to keep our gadget with us so we had to store them to our trainer. It was such a very bad news because it meant we couldn't take many photos huaaa :(

Our camp! \m/
The next day was awesome. We had a little exercise in the morning, then we had breakfast and had an opening ceremony. We were also divided into 8 groups, I was in group 7. Then we learned to wear mobbing rope because some of outbound games we were going to have needed extra safety. Ya, It was on a very high place like on a cliff, on a hill... WOW! That's gonna be awesomeee!

Day 1 passed amazingly, then we came to the second day. It was much more fun because we had war simulation tests. So it was told that once we heard a gun shot or a cannon, we had to run immediately at least 5 meters from the shot source and hide behind a tree which is big enough to cover our body. Then when we had lunch we heard a gun shot! Oh man, we ran at a sudden hahaha lol that's so funny, you guys should be there to feel the atmosphere and see us running like a chicken :D Then what made me more excited about the second day was because it was my group's turn to play paint ball yaiy!

On the evening, we had a little time to relax at our camp, take a bath or change our dirty clothes. It was also something that made me more excited because we would have Caraka Malam! Ahahaha on this Caraka Malam, we were ordered to walk through a huge forest passing 3 posts. On the starting point, we were given a message where this message might be delivered to the right person. Oh man, it was in the middle of the night and I walked in a veeerrrryyyyyy huge dark forest, no lights, no other friend around me, it was so creepy :( But I could make it through! Yayayayay!!!

The next day, we still had some other outbound games but around afternoon the last game was cancelled because of a heavy rain and lightning everywhere. It was ssssoooooooo cold, I was freezing. So my friends and I sang together to avoid cold and dance together, singing songs from Nation Building :p

Batch 2 squad!!!
It was the last day for our Character Building. After dinner, we had a little presentation to conclude our outbound games and closing ceremony. During the presentation, there was Red Ribbon Award. I didn't win :( There was also a little concert there! We sang along and danced together! Awww it was so much fuunnnn!!!!

There were also campfire session where we had wrote our bad habits on a piece of paper before, then we burned that paper on the campfire. We also sang Hymne Beswan Djarum :)

The next day, we flew back to our origin places.

Seriouslyyyy that was so much fun and educating! I learned much from Character Building. It was such a blessing to have a chance to join an event like that :)

There will be another next event from Djarum Foundation; Leadership Development and Debate Competition on March, 5-8th 2014. Just sit tight and wait for the amazing story about that ;)